Saturday, February 11, 2012


I'm so excited for the first post on La Vie En Rose. This is a creation of Jaime and I to share everything we love. For those who don't know much about me, I love vintage clothing. I buy the majority of my clothing at second hand stores. My favorite place in Boston to shop is Buffalo Exchange. They have two locations in Boston - one in Allston, right near Jaime and I's old apartment, and another in Davis Square. What I love so much about this store is that they buy your old clothing and either give you cash or store credit. I always take the credit and come out with much more clothing than I arrived with! I recently cleaned out my closets (I have two...I am a dress ADDICT.) and decided it was time to make a trip. I always find the most wonderful things and today was no exception. After selling a huge bag filled with old clothes, I left with a pair of black shorts (belt included! I also have a belt problem), a green and blue blouse, two more belts, a black bag, and some cute jewelry. I went with my friend Kari, who left with a cute dress that fit her like a glove. She's wearing it tonight for her birthday!

Some advice I have for those new to thrift stores - don't limit yourself to a size! Stores generally have the clothing sorted by size, the kind of garment, or the color of the garment. I look through everything. Sometimes I find a blouse that actually fits like a dress, or I shop in a size that doesn't fit and voila - find a dress that looks amazing belted. I even look through the men's section and come out with some really stellar finds. It's always a treasure hunt, and there is ALWAYS something! 


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