About Jaime

You wouldn't think so, being so young, but a substantial amount of the people I've met over the past year have told me that they've gone on from school to building a career and wanting to settle down. I, on the other hand, chose to do things a little backwards. And now that I'm 22, I want to spread my wings.

I'm a small town girl from Massachusetts. My family relocated to Sacramento, California when I was sixteen years old. I loved it, but after a few years I needed to go home. I left my family right after high school and moved back to the east coast, and built my life here. I started working full-time at 17 and after five years, I'm still doing the 9-5. I have roots here, but my wanderlust is beginning to get the better of me, and I want to see and experience everything I've missed out on. I'm starting out small, but my bucket list is growing bigger by the day and I'm ready to tackle it. I'm looking forward to sharing all of my experiences with you as I start a new chapter in my life.

I'm a working professional/social butterfly by day and bookworm by night. I am a carbon copy of your stereotypical girly-girl, and nothing makes me happier than getting dolled up and dancing all night. I'm very big on pop culture, nostalgia, and tradition. I love to smile, everything makes me laugh, I'm a hopeless romantic, and I love to have fun. I thrive on compassion and random acts of kindness. I'm pretty quirky, so my posts might be a little unconventional. I like to think that's a good thing, and I hope you enjoy reading them. :)