Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yoga in Boston Part I

Jamie and I have recently made a pact to get healthier. We're not unhealthy girls by any means, though we could eat a little better and could work out a little more. We've been weighed down by the winter blahs, however, and stress at work has made my body susceptible to every cold that crosses my path. In my quest for health, I've decided to search through Boston to find a yoga studio I really love and will stick to. I'll share my reviews with you all as I try them.

Dahn Yoga
1110 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138

Ok, so this place has gotten some pretty bad press over the years so I was slightly hesitant to give it a go. I cannot, however, turn down a groupon offering 30 CLASSES FOR 20 DOLLARS! Yes please. Cult or not, count me in. I went to the Harvard Square location for my first class. My day at work was completely stressful, I have been feeling really down lately in general, I had to kill three hours in Harvard Square before the class, and I'm always nervous before trying something new. Anyone who knows me well knows that this combination makes me a miserable grump. The class before mine went a little longer, too, which just deepened my scowl.
The setting: One room, wood floor, mirrors, candles, large windows, but the windows are covered by screens so you really have to be a creep to peek in and see anything. I know, I peeked. This made it a little awkward as I always arrive early for things like this, and the class before mine ran late, thus making me that creepy girl chilling outside. When the class finally finished, I bolted in and sat down expecting to wait for a bunch of other people to pile in. (By the way, it smelled DELICIOUS in there. I need that candle.) I sat. Waited. No one came.
Finally, the instructor comes out from the back and another lady popped in. Two girls. One male instructor. I am the girl who picks a mat as far away to the instructor as possible in a place where I will be seen the least. This was my worst nightmare. However, the instructor made me feel really comfortable and at ease. He seemed genuinely interested in learning our names, what our deal was, and what we wanted out of the class. He was really great at showing us our mistakes without making us feel dumb, and I left feeling calm, relaxed, stretched, smiling and sore! I can't ask for anything more from a yoga class. It was absolutely wonderful. I'm going again tomorrow.

Bend and Balance Yoga
284 Amory Street 1st FloorJamaica Plain, MA

I wanted to love this place. I really, really did. It is so convenient to my house and in the same building as my gym. I was so excited that this place was opening that I signed up for one of the first introductory classes they offered. There was no connection with the instructor, she didn't talk us through the poses even though it was a beginning class, and it was far too crowded to do the poses properly. Also, when you walked out of class they bombarded you with signing up for more. I know this is your first class and all and you want people to sign up, but can I get my shoes on first? I walked home with my back still aching from stress, my mind still racing (probably didn't help that someone's car was parked outside...), my body still feeling tired and not relaxed in the least. Needless to say, I won't be going back. Shame.

I'll keep you updated with more classes I try out! If you have classes you love, please share!


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