Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sweets for my Sweet

Valentine's Day is coming up - this is a reallllly sensitive holiday for some people. I'm single, and although a lot of single ladies hate this holiday, I love any reason to make treats and therefore am embracing it. Cute couples, awkward boys waiting around with roses, really corny cards - I'll take it all if it means I have an excuse to make a million cupcakes and goody bags without being a first grade teacher. This year I decided to make something really easy -

Pretzels and Hershey kisses! (or hugs, which I've used) They are so tasty and absolutely so simple to make. Simply Scratch has a great recipe for them with step by step photos. Check it out here

I filled twenty goody bags with them and various other Valentine's Day treats for my co-workers. Hopefully all the bags make it to work intact! I have such a sweet tooth and they are so yummy! What do you all do for holidays? Does anyone make anything special for Valentine's Day?


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