Saturday, February 18, 2012

{r}evolution apparel

I came across this project on Kickstarter and I'm really loving it. Kristin & Shannon are the co-founders of {r}evolution apparel, and have designed a garment called the versalette.
From their website:


The Versalette is a multi-functional piece that can be worn over 15 different ways — with just a few adjustments. It serves as a dress, shirt, skirt, scarf, purse, hood & more. It’s a simply designed staple that makes travel, minimalism, and living sustainably just a little bit easier.

{r}evolution apparel Introduces the Versalette from {r}evolution apparel on Vimeo.

As a huge lover of fashion, I often struggle with "throwaway fashion"and consumerism. Fashion to me, however, is an art form and an outlet for expression. I usually shop second hand, and I treasure each and every one of my garments. I know most others don't, so creating garments that are so versatile and sustainable is a great way to get the message out. I'm really excited about their project and I am definitely pre-ordering one of these!


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