Monday, February 13, 2012

Hi, I'm Jaime. :)

 Hey everyone, thanks for checking our blog La Vie En Rose :) I wanted to take a second and introduce myself. My name is Jaime, and my good friend Jess and I created La Vie En Rose to write about the experiences of two twenty-somethings living in Boston. We hope you enjoy what you see here and keep following us.

As Jess already mentioned, we want to share what we love. As for me,  first thing that comes to mind is that I am a pop culture virtuoso. If you ever wanted to know about the history/personalities in film or music, what they were famous (and notorious) for, or celebrity gossip, I'm your girl. I tend to lean towards classic movies and music, but I'm pretty open-minded.

 Just a little side note about us: A huge similarity between Jess and I is that we have the same favorite movies. When we first met, during one of the first conversations we ever had when we moved in together we discovered that we have the exact two favorite films; Breakfast at Tiffany's and Gone with the Wind. And let me tell you, that is rare. We also both adore Audrey Hepburn, and especially like to turn to Audrey's movies when we have a bad day or simply just need some inspiration. For those of you who have seen Sabrina, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, the point is, you'll be seeing a lot of writing about pop culture from me . :)

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