Sunday, February 19, 2012

SoWa Winter Market

Today we went with our friends Kari and Steph to the SoWa Winter Farmer's Market. The market sells a variety of produce, artisan foods, art and jewelry.

I usually go to the SoWa open market in the summer, but I really wanted to check out the winter market and I was not disappointed. There were so many great vendors there. I ended up purchasing two pairs of earrings and some loose leaf tea. Jaime purchased some mushroom ravioli, which we sampled and it was so tasty!

After the winter market we headed to the SoWa vintage market, which sells a variety of vintage clothing, jewelry, furniture, and so much more. A set of vintage blue luggage caught our eyes and we had to have it. Jaime can't wait to use hers next time she goes to New York. I also purchased some maps from the fifties of Russia. I love Russian history and was so excited to find these.

I can never leave the south end without visiting bead and fiber. Jaime wants to learn to knit, so she got knitting needles and yarn. I taught myself how to knit, but I'd really like to learn more complicated stitches and patterns. bead and fiber offers classes on the weekends, but if anyone knows other places in the Boston area offering classes, let me know!

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday! 

Jess and Jaime

Saturday, February 18, 2012

{r}evolution apparel

I came across this project on Kickstarter and I'm really loving it. Kristin & Shannon are the co-founders of {r}evolution apparel, and have designed a garment called the versalette.
From their website:


The Versalette is a multi-functional piece that can be worn over 15 different ways — with just a few adjustments. It serves as a dress, shirt, skirt, scarf, purse, hood & more. It’s a simply designed staple that makes travel, minimalism, and living sustainably just a little bit easier.

{r}evolution apparel Introduces the Versalette from {r}evolution apparel on Vimeo.

As a huge lover of fashion, I often struggle with "throwaway fashion"and consumerism. Fashion to me, however, is an art form and an outlet for expression. I usually shop second hand, and I treasure each and every one of my garments. I know most others don't, so creating garments that are so versatile and sustainable is a great way to get the message out. I'm really excited about their project and I am definitely pre-ordering one of these!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New York Fashion Week

New York Fashion week is here! I am always excited to see the Marc by Marc Jacobs collection and this season is no exception. The dresses are absolutely divine. I particularly love the one below - the shade of blue and luxe fabric paired with Doc Marten-esque boots - absolutely perfect. I love pairing masculine and feminine pieces into one look, and I'm glad this season in continuing with the trend. Maybe I'll pull my green Docs out of the back of the closet and pair them with some vintage dresses?
Be sure to look at Anna Sui's collection as well - the colored tights and printed dresses are making me absolutely giddy. I can't even choose a favorite look to show you - I adore them all.
Head over to the New York Times Fashion week coverage, or and check out the collections right now! 


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We're celebrating by going to see our favorite movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's, at the Brattle Theatre in Cambridge.

Wishing you all a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with lots of love.

With love,

La Vie En Rose

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hi, I'm Jaime. :)

 Hey everyone, thanks for checking our blog La Vie En Rose :) I wanted to take a second and introduce myself. My name is Jaime, and my good friend Jess and I created La Vie En Rose to write about the experiences of two twenty-somethings living in Boston. We hope you enjoy what you see here and keep following us.

As Jess already mentioned, we want to share what we love. As for me,  first thing that comes to mind is that I am a pop culture virtuoso. If you ever wanted to know about the history/personalities in film or music, what they were famous (and notorious) for, or celebrity gossip, I'm your girl. I tend to lean towards classic movies and music, but I'm pretty open-minded.

 Just a little side note about us: A huge similarity between Jess and I is that we have the same favorite movies. When we first met, during one of the first conversations we ever had when we moved in together we discovered that we have the exact two favorite films; Breakfast at Tiffany's and Gone with the Wind. And let me tell you, that is rare. We also both adore Audrey Hepburn, and especially like to turn to Audrey's movies when we have a bad day or simply just need some inspiration. For those of you who have seen Sabrina, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, the point is, you'll be seeing a lot of writing about pop culture from me . :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sweets for my Sweet

Valentine's Day is coming up - this is a reallllly sensitive holiday for some people. I'm single, and although a lot of single ladies hate this holiday, I love any reason to make treats and therefore am embracing it. Cute couples, awkward boys waiting around with roses, really corny cards - I'll take it all if it means I have an excuse to make a million cupcakes and goody bags without being a first grade teacher. This year I decided to make something really easy -

Pretzels and Hershey kisses! (or hugs, which I've used) They are so tasty and absolutely so simple to make. Simply Scratch has a great recipe for them with step by step photos. Check it out here

I filled twenty goody bags with them and various other Valentine's Day treats for my co-workers. Hopefully all the bags make it to work intact! I have such a sweet tooth and they are so yummy! What do you all do for holidays? Does anyone make anything special for Valentine's Day?



I'm so excited for the first post on La Vie En Rose. This is a creation of Jaime and I to share everything we love. For those who don't know much about me, I love vintage clothing. I buy the majority of my clothing at second hand stores. My favorite place in Boston to shop is Buffalo Exchange. They have two locations in Boston - one in Allston, right near Jaime and I's old apartment, and another in Davis Square. What I love so much about this store is that they buy your old clothing and either give you cash or store credit. I always take the credit and come out with much more clothing than I arrived with! I recently cleaned out my closets (I have two...I am a dress ADDICT.) and decided it was time to make a trip. I always find the most wonderful things and today was no exception. After selling a huge bag filled with old clothes, I left with a pair of black shorts (belt included! I also have a belt problem), a green and blue blouse, two more belts, a black bag, and some cute jewelry. I went with my friend Kari, who left with a cute dress that fit her like a glove. She's wearing it tonight for her birthday!

Some advice I have for those new to thrift stores - don't limit yourself to a size! Stores generally have the clothing sorted by size, the kind of garment, or the color of the garment. I look through everything. Sometimes I find a blouse that actually fits like a dress, or I shop in a size that doesn't fit and voila - find a dress that looks amazing belted. I even look through the men's section and come out with some really stellar finds. It's always a treasure hunt, and there is ALWAYS something! 
